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The piper picked his flute, looked up into the skies and shook his head. Something was missing—his tunes. He stood motionless—struggling, trying, battling with his memories to remember what to play. For once, he was bereft of melodies. Not really. He wasn’t bereft. He’d forgotten what to play.
“Just a night before now I’ve played this tunes all day. How come I can’t remember?” He thought to himself. “I’ve never lacked music. What is happening to me?”
He stood still. Contemplating. His audience looked on. Confused.
Five minutes. Ten minutes...Twenty minutes gone and still no trace of the melodies he played just a night before.
“Maybe it’s time. It’s time to go.” He said. The piper took a bow—namaste, and walked off the stage. Murmurings and whisperings later, one among the audience asked; “What just happened?” An answer came from the crowd; “Alas, the piper took his final bow. His flute sings no more and it’s time to go.”
Time to go…
Some days you go and you come back. Some days you go and you go forever. When it’s forever, your presence is replaced with memories—memories of life lived before gone. Your name changes. They don’t call you what you were once called. Your nature changes—you become less of what you once was. They give you adorations your presence lacked, alas, you will have no ears to hear. You’ll listen but it would sound like a distance call.
When you are gone…
The rhythm changes. The drummer plays your tunes differently and they that dance enjoy the drumbeat no more. But sorry, you can’t change anything from where you are. Life goes on but without you.
The final prayers before you go will end in; “Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.” You are nothing more but a piece of dust. All you did turns to ashes. Ash and dust can’t stand the wind. The wind would blow and take everything that you are along its path—nothing of you is left now. You now belong to the ages. The end. The bow.
And then, you finally find rest.
Go now, Oheemaa. They’ll drop you and I’ll drop you too but that’s ok. It has to end somehow. But from now, I’ll learn to walk with care because my earth is now your ceiling. You’ve earned your rest. May you please the eye of the almighty


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